25: I Defend / I Protect

Phil Ventrello and Michele Vorberger, founders of MUNIO Self Defense, talk with hosts Chris Swainhart and Scott Kiefner about their self defense keychain. Phil is a self-defense teacher and wanted a tool that was stylish, discrete, and effective. Munio is Latin for “I Defend” or “I Protect.”

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28: Self Safety with Style

Phil Ventrello and Michele Vorberger, founders of MUNIO Self Defense, discuss with hosts Chris Swainhart and Scott Kiefner their self defense keychain. They also talk about their self defense workshops, offered to colleges, hospitals, and others, or their downloadable workshop available at home. These workshops are taught by certified MUNIO instructors, with backgrounds such as martial artists, law enforcement officers, and military officers.

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30: Security Through Obscurity with MUNIO

Phil Ventrello and Michele Vorberger, founders of MUNIO Self Defense, join hosts Chris Swainhart and Scott Kiefner to discuss their self defense keychain – a palm stick (kubaton) that multiplies striking force to a point. They also talk about the training classes offered, which are taught by law enforcement instructors.

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Featured Firearm: Ruger LCR .327