Arming America, One Law-Abiding Citizen at a Time

Whether you are interested in hunting, home defense, or men and women in uniform, GunStuff® brings shooting sports into 150 million homes for your edutainment.

GunStuff® is a proud member of the Professional Outdoor Media Association, NRA Business Alliance, NASGW, and NSSF. In 2016 we produced a documentary Operation Chokepoint which revealed the government’s crackdown on the shooting sports industry. In 2017 we launched our new show targeted to a wider community of new gun owners, sporting enthusiasts, military families and the law enforcement community.

Our employees are proud members of the National Rifle Association and are supporters of the Second Amendment. Be sure to Like us on Facebook to stay abreast of our latest media presentations. We do live streaming at key events, we update our Facebook page with current events, we announce our upcoming TV schedule and show segments for you, our viewing audience.

The GunStuff® Mission Statement

  1. GunStuff® advocates safe and responsible gun ownership.
  2. GunStuff® demystifies firearms for those who have no experience using them.
  3. GunStuff® teaches our viewers how to protect themselves and their families with superior force and training.
  4. Our show aims to be engaging, informative, and supportive of our 2nd Amendment rights.

Watch Season 4 Full Episodes