241: CSPOA, Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation, and Matador Arms

Sheriff Richard Mack with the CSPOA talks about the role of a sheriff in protecting the 2nd Amendment.

Rick Leach from the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation discusses their Action Shooting Program with youth across the country.

David Borges of Matador Arms shares their new upper coming out shortly.

Featured Firearm: Ruger GP100

204: Sara Forgues, Matador Arms, and Viridian Weapon Technologies

Sara Forgues, a Minnesota mother, explains her son Walker’s situation and the ridiculous charges made against him. Rob Doar, a member of the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus, joins her.

David Borges from Matador Arms talks about their 9mm upper. It is self-contained, has a non-reciprocating charging handle, and is reversible for left-handed use.

Chris Spangler with Viridian Weapon Technologies discusses their RFX45 green dot sight. Its electronics are on top, which allows for easy battery access and also lowers the window.

Featured Firearm: Ruger Mark IV Hunter